
Effortless Success w/ Courtney Elmer

Welcome to the podcast!

I’m super excited about today’s episode because you are going to hear from one amazing woman.

I recently was introduced to Courtney Elmer through a mutual friend and little did I know that I would instantly feel connected to her and that we would share so many synchronicities and collaborate so quickly.

Courtney has impacted my life in big ways in a very short span of time.  Actually, she has accomplished some big things in a short amount of time, and I know she will continue to change lives more and more and more!

Today in our conversation, Courtney and I talk about what it really means to have an effortless life,

Why people choose to stay busy,

What we need to do to find true success and happiness,

Courtney also shares her incredible voice story with us and so much more.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss today’s episode!



Courtney Elmer is CEO of The EffortLESS Life®, and every year she helps hundreds of entrepreneurs simplify and scale their business using a proven new approach to work smarter, not harder. She developed The EffortLESS Life® Method to help struggling entrepreneurs understand why stress, overwhelm, and burnout happens even when they’re pursuing their passion. Through her signature digital programs (The EffortLESS Life® Academy), live workshops, and weekend mastermind retreats, she guides entrepreneurs to become the EffortLESS CEO™ their business needs so they can generate consistent revenue, unlock their full potential, and create a bigger impact without working 24/7.


Her podcast, The EffortLESS Life®, is ranked among the top 500 shows across the globe and is dedicated to helping people build a business that provides the freedom they’ve been looking for. Courtney has been featured on numerous publications.  She lives in New Orleans with her husband Alan and their son AJ, a surprise miracle baby following her cancer treatments.


Grab her free 5-part video training to learn how to grow a profitable business while working less, here.


Make sure you reach out to Courtney:
 (waitlist for EffortLESS Podcasting Formula) (waitlist for EffortLESS CEO Academy) (Podcast) (Website)

Instagram: @courtneyelmer_


Mastering the Gift of Messaging w/ Brandon Lucero

Welcome to the show!

You are in for such a treat today.  With me on the show is my mentor Brandon Lucero.

Brandon is the master of messaging…putting all the words together in just the right way so that you turn your listeners into raving fans and customers.

There is so much to the work Brandon has created and I’ve loved every minute of learning from him.

I know I don’t talk about words too much but I always say that Brandon’s work with words is the gift and my voice work is the wrapping paper for it.

Brandon has created an incredible business and methodology around messaging. The Video 4X Effect is incredibly unique and has changed the lives and success of many!

Today we talk about his struggles and what it took for him to find his true purpose and create from that place, as well as the work that he does, why he does it and all the ways it’s critical to the next level of success.

Brandon is one of my favorite people on earth and I know you are going to love hearing from him.


Guest Bio

Brandon is the founder of the Video 4x Effect Methodology, which fixes and elevates content inside of online brands and companies. He is responsible for millions of views and products sold online by focusing your content and messaging on changing beliefs, shifting perspectives, and the psychology of engagement, selling, and behavior.

You can find Brandon at:


Stop the Tune Out!

Welcome to the show!
Welcome to the show!

I’ve got a great episode for you today, the last of the 3 part series on unleashing your voice so you amplify your authority and expertise simply by stepping into the power of your natural voice.

Today, we are talking about stopping the tune out.

This is real!  There is more noise than ever online.  If you are getting visible that is great but is it enough?  No!  You’ve got to command a presence, I’ve got to immediately connect with you and you have to be able to use your voice to make me feel so I’m compelled to stay and listen.

Oh, and by the way, all of this needs to happen in about 7 seconds!

In this episode, I”m going to talk about why people tune out and what you have to do in order to keep them with you.

This is the last call to sign up for my 3 Masterclass series Unleash Your Voice free training, we start November 10th.

Just go to to sign up and I look forward to seeing you the.
I’ve got a great episode for you today, the last of the 3 part series on unleashing your voice so you amplify your authority and expertise simply by stepping into the power of your natural voice.

Today, we are talking about stopping the tune out.

This is real!  There is more noise than ever online.  If you are getting visible that is great but is it enough?  No!  You’ve got to command a presence, I’ve got to immediately connect with you and you have to be able to use your voice to make me feel so I’m compelled to stay and listen.

Oh, and by the way, all of this needs to happen in about 7 seconds!

In this episode, I”m going to talk about why people tune out and what you have to do in order to keep them with you.

This is the last call to sign up for my 3 Masterclass series Unleash Your Voice free training, we start November 10th.

Just go to to sign up and I look forward to seeing you the.


Creating Connection with Your Voice

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m talking about creating connections.  What people don’t realize is that we actually connect with you or not by what we hear in your voice.  Often times you don’t even realize what we are hearing and how it’s hurting you.

In fact, most people don’t even realize how important and powerful their voice truly is.

There are barriers that certain sounds make and if you have those sounds in your voice, you will have barriers that keep us from connecting.  It’s not an all or nothing thing, it’s like bulletproof glass in between me and you.  I can hear you and see you but I can’t touch you.  This means my subconscious is not fully connecting with you, not going all-in with a heck yes, this is my person and I love them and their ideas.

There is caution, doubt, and uncertainty and it can be slight but if it’s any, you might not land that deal, get that follower or touch that life.

I think you are going to like this episode!

If you want to find out more about connection and how the sounds in your voice play a huge role in connection, make sure you join my 3 Masterclass training, Unleash Your Voice.  We start November 10th and you can sign up at