
Unleash Your Voice

Welcome to the show!

Are you ready to unleash your voice?  That’s what it’s going to take to amplify your authority and expertise and tap into the power of your natural voice.  That’s what I’m talking about today!

So many people, even the ones that are aware that they need to do some work on their voice have NOT unleashed their voice.

If you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, or professional who can’t seem to get people to stop and listen, if you struggle to try to get your words from your head out of your mouth, or even if you wonder why the other guy who doesn’t have half the experience you do seems to have a bigger following and more success…this episode is for you.

If you want to stop the scroll you are going to have to do something with your voice to make me want to stay.

To command a presence, you are going to have to step into the power of your voice.

To keep me from tuning out, you will have to use your voice to captivate me.

Are you ready to have inner peace knowing that you’ve got just the right words and they flow out of your mouth with ease?  Are you ready to have people hang on your every word?

Are you ready to amplify your authority and expertise and finally step into the natural power of your greatest asset, your voice?

A lot is at stake heading into 2021, what will be the year of connection, and guess where we connect with you?  Yep, your voice.

In this episode, I’m talking about why it’s so critical to unleash your voice and start to reveal the best version of you.

It’s critical that you rewrite the internal drivers that are calling the shots on your voice and keeping you limited.  It’s critical that you shift what is in the muscle memory and get some new voice habits working for you.

Aren’t you ready to unleash your voice?

I hope you will join me for my FREE 3 live master class training that is starting on November 10th.

If you want to join, just go to


Getting Official w/ Joey C. Vitale

Welcome to the show!

You are in for such a treat today!  I’ve got a special guest with me, Joey C. Vitale.  I’ve had the opportunity to work with Joey in my program and he is the attorney responsible for setting up my trademark for Psychology of the Voice Effect.

Joey is a delight and I know you are going to enjoy hearing what he has to say as we talk about making things legit when it comes to your business so you protect your assets.

Far too many people make big and unnecessary mistakes when it comes to the legal matters that make their biz legit.

In my conversation with Joey, he clarifies exactly what is what and why we need what we need but without getting way above my head in legal speak.  If you own a small business, are an entrepreneur, or if you have created something special like Psychology of the Voice then you don’t want to miss this episode.

I reached out to Joey after my work had already been stolen.  I was devastated and shocked that someone would not only take the Psychology of the Voice that I created and crafted over years and years of extensive research, but they also took my teaching methodology.

Joey and I talk about what happened to me and the exact steps you must take to protect yourself before it’s too late. Please don’t wait to get your assets protected.  You might not think someone will steal your stuff but trust me…they will.

I think you are going to love this episode!


Guest Bio



Licensed to practice law in Illinois, Joey Vitale counsels creatives across the United States (and globally) on legal issues specific to creatives. After years of litigating on behalf of businesses in the midst of conflicts, Joey now keeps businesses out of the courtroom in the first place. Joey focuses on entity formation, trademarks, copyrights, website agreements, and other basic legal documents.


You can find Joey at:

Indie Law:


Owning It Podcast:


Voice Patterns, Drivers and Habits

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m talking about the voice habits that are left behind from the Psychology of the Voice Story.  The driver is the story and it always put in a bad voice habit.  One of the bad voice habits that gets locked in is patterns.  A pattern is something you repeat vocally and you don’t even realize it.

You might have a pattern of pausing at certain points when you speak, always the same point.  Or maybe you speak fast and then lilt up on the last word as you try to check and make sure we understand.

Everyone has a voice pattern and a go-to.  They don’t work for you and we need to rewrite them.  I always like to look at what the driver is behind the pattern.  We remove the driver and rewrite what it left behind in the muscle memory, the pattern, and then you can make a bigger impact with your message.

You can be received entirely differently in the sub-conscious of the listener simply by shifting one or two bad voice habits.

Don’t forget, if you want to join me for a live coaching call then you need to make sure you leave your review of the podcast this week on iTunes.

I hope to see you there!  Oh and make sure you send me a screenshot of the review so I can send you the Zoom link for the training.


Best Video Version of You

Are you different on video than in real life?  Do you use your voice differently when speaking on video?

Welcome to the show!

The other day I got asked the best question ever in my group…what’s the best video version of me, Tracy?

My answer, there is only one version of you, the best version of you and we use it everywhere…video, podcast, interviews, conversations, sales calls, YOU NAME IT.

The video version of you is what I’m talking about today and I know you are going to love this episode.  While both versions are very similar, there are actually a few techniques that will help you reveal the BEST version of you on video.

I think you are going to like this episode.

Don’t forget, if you want to work with me in a free coaching group then make sure you listen for instructions in this episode!