
Destroying Your Credibility with an Uptick

Welcome to the podcast!

Today, I’m talking about the uptick.  Many of you know people who turn every sentence into a question.  You are probably thinking…yeah and it’s annoying.  However, what people who do the uptick don’t realize is the problematic Psychology of the Voice behind it.

When someone upticks, it causes the listener’s subconscious to question whether that person knows what they are talking about or not.  People who have an uptick often don’t realize just what it’s costing them and the answer is a lot.

Upticks can come from literal stories or drivers of questioning whether you know what you are talking about or not.  Upticks can come from insecurities or questioning anything, even imposter syndrome can cause an uptick.  Mimicking a pattern of someone you admire is also something that can cause this.

It doesn’t matter where it came from, it’s got to go if you want to be taken seriously as the expert you are.

Don’t lose valuable time or prospects by sending the wrong message, get rid of your uptick today!


Must Sound Professional Voice

Welcome to the show!

One of the things I hear almost daily is, “Tracy, I’ve got to be professional, I can’t do that…it won’t sound professional.”

What people don’t realize is that they are in an either/or situation.  I am or I’m not. They also don’t realize that they WILL NOT be unprofessional if they reveal the best version of themselves.

We want to know who you are…period.  Until we do, you will struggle.

What people fear is going to happen if they reveal themselves is NOT going to happen.

In fact, I believe being professional is actually hiding insecurity.

One of the things I really do when I work with people is to get them to reveal the BEST version of themselves and every time, not only are they professional, they also stop the tune out and level up their business and life in big ways.

I think you are going to like this episode.

If you want to join my Captivate the Room group coaching program I’ve just opened the doors for the first round this year.

But, space is limited so make sure you get signed up now.

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