
Voice 2020 Accomplishments and Voice Goals

Welcome to the show!

Today I’m doing a bit of a wrap up of the year and a little bit of looking ahead for the new year.

What were your greatest challenges this year?  What was good?  I believe there is always something of benefit in every experience no matter how challenging it is.

I watched hundreds of people shatter their greatest fears around using their voice this year and it was truly magical.

So many people have had to step up this year and get visible in ways they have been avoiding for years.

Did you accomplish the voice goals you had?

In this episode I’ll not only talk about what my students accomplished this year but exactly what you need to think about in relation to your voice and how to use it in the coming year.

I am sending best wishes for a magical holiday and best wishes for an amazing New Year.

I’ll be back with more great content after the holidays and if you have a topic that you struggle with, please send me an email at and I’ll record a special episode just for you!


Employment in 2020/2021 with Christine Kidder

Welcome to the show.

I’m excited to introduce you to my guest today, Christine Kidder who is a specialist in a lot of things but specifically human resources.

I asked Christine to come on the show to talk about the state of affairs in human resources and jobs in 2020 because, well, you know…it’s been quite a challenging year in many ways.

Today Christine and I talk about the best practices for finding a new job,

The things that are key for job seekers right now,

Opportunities that are available and so much more around finding the right job for you.

Guest Bio

Christine started her career in financial analysis after receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from DePaul University and passing the Illinois CPA exam.  After working in budgeting and forecasting for a number of years, Christine decided to use her accounting and finance experience to become an accounting/finance recruiter for Fortune 500 companies in the Chicago area.

After having her son Will while employed at Castle, Christine was able to broaden her experience further and take on new challenges in Human Resources that including growing companies.   Needing more flexibility to meet professional goals and family obligations, Christine decided to start her own business in 2018.  Christine’s HR passion is to help professionals land their ideal job.  She provides services to employers as well, helping them to create an ideal employee experience.

You can find Christine on LinkedIn:


The Voice of Leadership w/ Kim Laughridge

Welcome to the podcast!

I’ve got a fantastic episode for you with someone that I know you are going to love learning from.

It’s possible you have heard me talk about the company TrueNorth and the work I do for them.  In fact, about a year ago I had another TrueNorth employee, Will Tuebel on the show.

Today I’m chatting with Kim Loughridge and I wanted to have her on the show because she really gets leadership.  During the time I worked with Kim it became crystal clear that she understood what it took to be a leader, valued the power of effective communication and was always working to be in a growth mindset.

Her leadership experience has been varied in style and during our time together, I was able to see the difference in the outcomes in communication style and the value in what I believe to be effective communication.

Kim has a lot to share with you today so whether you are officially a leader in an organization or not, I believe everyone is called to be a leader of some sort and I know you will gain massive value from what Kim has to has.


Guest Bio

Kim Laughridge is an Operations Manager at TrueNorth Companies in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where she leads a team of account managers supporting Personal and Commercial product lines. She has extensive leadership and Operations management experience and over the last decade has lead teams focused on operational excellence and strategy, vendor management, and overall client experience.  She lives in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with her husband Beau Laughridge and two children, Jaxon and Finley.