The Power Of Your Voice
Knowledgeable – Agile – Persistent
As a Convincer you come across as incredibly knowledgeable when you talk, able to weave in information, facts, figures and stories to convince your listener about your expertise.
You are agile in your conversations, able to easily change position and adapt based on who you’re talking to. You are always aware of what people need to hear and how.
You also never back away from a conversation, always persistent in your views and proving your expertise.
But if you’re honest you often feel fearful that people don’t think you know what you’re talking about, like you constantly have to justify why you’re speaking. You often feel like you’re not good enough. It can be exhausting.
Let me use my decades of experience with Psychology of The Voice® and my innate ability to hear your true voice to guide you to feeling more confident in your voice. To feel sure that what you bring to the table when your voice is in alignment with who you really are (that’s where the magic will really start to happen in your business).
Watch the video below where I dive into what The Convincer is really about and how your audience interprets your voice, you might be surprised at what they hear!