I believe you’re here because you’re seeking connection. And you’re here because your voice deserves to be heard.

Whether it’s a lack of connections in your personal or professional life, missed sales opportunities, or your relationships are a mess, you’re not here by accident.

You’re here because you desire a deeper connection with those around you.

But your voice has been stopping you.

Now more than ever, people are seeking connection and desire to hear your real, authentic voice.

It’s time for you to create an inner sense of safety so you can clearly and confidently share the fullness of your story. Your audience deserves to hear your life-changing message.

It’s time to play big. No more hiding!
It’s time to let people hear the orchestra of your heart.

Rewrite the noise in your head, transform your identity, and work from a place of power… all from simple shifts in the 7 layers of your voice.

Signature Course

Captivate the Room

Become an expert in Psychology of the Voice® with this 22 video self-paced course.

Build a solid foundation by learning, understanding, and uncovering your Voice Stories™ which is the signature foundational component of our work together and the foundation of Psychology of the Voice®.  Once we have uncovered your Voice Stories™ we take on the unmasking of your Voice Mask™, the sounds that create blocks and barriers and prevent your audience from connecting with you. Learn directly from me with 22 high-level videos and accompanying coursework so that you can start the journey to transforming your identity by shifting your voice on every level.  

PLUS turn in 3 video homework assignments and get direct, personal video feedback from me with coaching.

Coaching Experiences

16 Week Group Coaching

This high-touch container is perfect for massive breakthroughs, cellular-level identity shifts, and a true connection to the orchestra of your heart.

All connection happens within your voice. So whether you are searching to become a better manager, increase your business revenue, land a TEDx speaking gig, or simply connect on a deeper level to all humans, this 16-week program is designed for you.

In our time together we will focus on the foundation elements of Psychology of the Voice® including the most critical component of unearthing Voice Stories™ and dismantling them so you can find true inner confidence and freedom from the voice habits that have been holding you back.  We then unmask and rewrite Voice Masks™ to allow for connection with your audience and ultimately unleash your authenticity and your most captivating voice.

This is a very high touch container where everyone receives personalized coaching and feedback every week.

Plus, in addition to confident, connection, influence and authenticity, we will work on converting more sales and get more of what you want faster in direct relation to your voice.

Shore up the 30-90% influence, impact and income that your voice is leaving behind within weeks.

Private Coaching

1:1 Coaching With Tracy

I take on a very limited number of private, 1:1 students each year for high-level, intimate coaching. We work together as a team to dive into the deepest folds of your voice and story. Utilize my expertise and ability to hear sounds the size of a grain of sand to commit to making identity-level transformations that will be with you for eternity.

Free Resources

Captivate The Room Podcast

Unravel your voice masks, discover the voice stories behind each layer of your voice, and step into your power with the Captivate The Room Podcast! Join me and curated guests as we discuss how to understand the Psychology of the Voice™ and become a captivating speaker, entrepreneur, partner, and human.

Discover Your Vocal Archetype Quiz

Want to know your unique voice personality? Curious to understand the archetypes of your voice masks so that you can better shift them, eradicate your stories, and transform your vocal identity? Take this quiz to find out.

Ready To Command Any Space?

Sounding like the authority is key in today’s world. I’d love to share with you my latest audio where I teach you key steps for internal shifts and specific sounds you can adjust to command the space with your voice.