Welcome to the show!
You are in for a real treat today! My guest, Jason Cutter is truly an expert when it comes to selling authentically.
Even if you technically aren’t in sales, trust me, you will still benefit from this episode because really, everything we do is about influence and persuasion.
In today’s episode, Jason and I talk about authentic persuasion and what that really means,
Big mistakes people make when it comes to selling,
Voice matching and our alignment on this topic,
The difference between an order taker and quota breaker and so much more!
Don’t forget, if you want to join my 3-day Masterclass training unleash your voice, we start this week! Just go to www.captivatetheroom.com/3free to sign up. You don’t want to miss this epic training!
Guest Bio
Despite having a bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology, working in tech support and government contracting roles, and not getting his first official sales job until age 27, Jason Cutter founded the Cutter Consulting Group, with a focus on coaching and training individuals, and being hired by companies around the world who want to dramatically improve their selling effectiveness. He is the author of Selling With Authentic Persuasion: Transform from Order Taker to Quota Breaker, and host of the Authentic Persuasion Show (aka The Sales Experience) podcast.