
“Working with Tracy has been an eye-opening experience. I’m not a native English speaker. I moved to the states when I was 8 years old. I picked up English fairly easily but I never liked the way I sounded… to the point that later on in life I changed my voice to sound deeper! It seems silly now, but at the time I thought I sounded better, more mature, with a deep voice. In reality, I had a monotone, fried, and nasally deep voice that I still hated. I often had to repeat myself when I talked. It got so bad that I would rather not say anything than voice my opinion. Hiding from the world, trying my best to shrink into a little ball when I talked. All because I didn’t want to speak.

Tracy helped me find my real voice. I hated my voice so much. It had a lot to do with my perception of self-worth, my people-pleasing tendencies, my fear of judgment/opinions from others. As we worked on my mindset a funny thing happened, my voice improved and without a ton of vocal exercises! My jaw opened up when I spoke without having to force my jaw open. With my jaw being open, flow and rhythm came along for the ride. Who knew I could speak with emotion and emphasis, without it feeling fake.

I’m now more confident and I feel less anxiety at work and my everyday life. I know that I can be myself, in my real voice, and be happy with that. As a side note, I have tried two different vocal coaches in the past couple of years before I met Tracy. Both coaches were musically trained and focused on vocal exercises to help with my voice. I would sound good in the sessions but I could never make it stick in real life. It was always my mindset holding me back.”

