Bill Teubel

We are a “Super Regional” independent insurance agency, and our ability to communicate effectively to both the outside world as well as internally is of paramount importance to our success.  When we first started working with Tracy a number of years ago, we partnered her mostly with small groups of outside-facing talent – and saw marked improvement in confidence, communication, and results with that group.  We’ve since opened up her program to our more internal working colleagues, too (who also greatly benefit from more comfortable and effective communication), and the results have been equally impressive and valuable.  Tracy has worked with a population that includes both our CEO and our A/P expert;  producers and finance;  HR and Account Managers, etc.  – and she has been incredibly effective with all of these disparate constituencies!  I would recommend her for any industry, but can speak from very positive experiences in ours!


Thank you, Tracy!

Bill TeubelCFO, TrueNorth Companies