Increase Your Revenue with Your Voice

Increasing Your Revenue with Your Voice Sales Simulator

My most recent research around sales and voice has yielded significant changes to buying patterns.

I’ve been teaching these new paradigms in relation to launches, sales calls and even influence and persuasion.

I’ve been teaching the Voice Experience and what you must have in your voice in 2024 to convert sales.


Over the last few years I’ve been hired to coach 7 figure entrepreneurs during their launches too and in all scenarios with all people I am seeing some key voice work exponentially improving bottom line revenue in the areas of

Increased RETENTION during videos/webinars and masterclasses, 

Next level EMOTIONAL CONNECTION and how ideal clients are processing content delivery

Increased REVENUE, more sales and oftentimes more paid in full.


I am so pleased with what I’ve seen happen that I wanted to bring this training to you in a new program dedicated specifically to your voice and increasing sales for a fraction of the cost. 

This is for you if you are doing launches, webinars, videos with CTA’s, discovery calls…even in the areas of simple influence as you nurture potential buyers and these key techniques will help you every time you have ANY ask, even if it is to get podcast reviews or downloads.

Are you experiencing any of the following:

X Not enough people show up to your webinar/masterclass Or, if they do, way too many drop off in the first 30 minutes of your presentation (before you ever even get to your super juicy sales pitch).

X People just aren’t engaging on your live videos like you need them to in order for this launch to be successful. Is it that they aren’t seeing the videos, or are they just not interested in what you’re saying? 

X You miss your sales goal…over and over or worse, you actually lose money on your launch (it can happen). Now what? Do you need to go back to the drawing board and rework your entire offer? 

X Your following is not increasing…People are not downloading your podcast or any other social media, your numbers are leveling off and you aren’t gaining the traction you want for the effort you are putting in.

X You are struggling to even make the offer or name the price because of old voice stories, wounds, beliefs that are causing you to believe that you are bothering your buyer or that no one is buying right now.

You have Psychology of the Voice® challenges that you don’t even know are there but are coming out in your voice and foreshadowing repeated NO’s from your ideal clients and buyers.

You don’t know what is going on…but you know there has been a shift and what worked for you before is not working now or you just don’t know why they aren’t buying but you suspect your voice is a KEY reason they are saying no.

We need to unravel these voice stories and the other issues we must unearth internally to make your external selling more influential and profitable AND we must unmask the sounds themselves that are misrepresenting you and keeping your buying from connecting.  

We have to find your real, most authentic voice and free it so you can create a voice experience so your buyer knows without a doubt they MUST pick you!

Before you build another funnel, before you go back to the message, it’s critical to find out what in your voice is REPELLING your ideal client.

  THIS must be your next step to increase revenue because the truth is, if your voice is repelling people, they won’t make it to the new funnel.  

So the big question for you is are you delivering the full experience to your listeners in launches, CTA, content delivery? 

What is your voice telling your audience? 

Is it saying…

YES, you can trust me

YES, keep listening because I get you

YES, I’m the one to help you

YES, this is the experience of ME

YES, this is all of the shades of ME

YES, we I will be available for emotional connection

YES, I’ll get you where you want to go and I’ve been where you’ve been

Or are you coming up short when it comes to making an impact on your audience and maybe even feeling the need to convince them to work with you? 

I want to ensure that every sound that represents every part of you and the experience of you is coming through!

Here’s the program I’ve put together for you that is specifically tailored for a small group coaching experience AND reflects the work I’ve been seeing such incredible results from with 7 figure entrepreneurs. 

The Revenue Simulator

Take your sales and your influence to the next level

The ONLY program to focus on leveraging your voice to increase connection, retention, and amp up your (revenue) sales success.

Create a next level experience during your next launch, live training, video or CTA

This 6 week intensive program is designed to prepare you for your time on the “launch/sales/cta stage” so you can:

  • Create the kind of connection and invitation that tells your buyer that they can work with you and that they want what you have
  • Establish a voice experience so your audience knows without a doubt they must pick you above all the others doing the same thing
  • Share your offer AND price with confidence and ease 
  • Set the stage with your real voice and authenticity long before the training or sales call instantly turning cold leads into warm and red hot
  • No longer fear selling and deliver your message with ease and authority 
  • Learn the quantifiable NEVER BEFORE TAUGHT new strategies that are critical for selling in the new paradigm of lack of buyer trust
  • Sound like the expert you are to get your audience to YES faster!


What’s Inside


Module 1-2: Unearth and Rewrite the Psychology of the Voice® 

The journey to installing your sales starts inside

The primary focus of most coaching is on strategy, tactics, funnels, sales mechanisms that will be rendered useless if the consumer can’t stand the sound of your voice and as the seller you have internal insecurities that will come out in your voice.  The idea of bothering people, feeling bad about making a sale, commanding the space…all of these thoughts bring up a lot of internal noise, voice stories and shut us down where even if we can ask for the sale, no one hears it.

In this module we focus on unearthing all the internal noise that is significantly costing you, in fact, this is where we rewrite the internal so that we can scoop up the 30-90% of revenue we are leaving behind.


Module 3: Getting in front of Voice Masks Blocking Connection

Everyone has voice masks, these are sounds that are connected to your internal workings that keep you protected, safe and small.

In Module 2 we will identify voice masks that are blocking critical connections to your sales success and remove them along with any stories they are still connected with.

Here we will also identify sounds in your voice that are repelling and misrepresenting, blocking 30-90% of your revenue.


Module 4: Releasing Outdated Sales Tactics to Connect Authentically 

What got you here, will not get you to the next level

The paradigms have significantly and recently changed.  The old tactics in selling in relation to voice will no longer work for you.  The concept of know, like and trust and hooking and wowing the audience will keep you stuck.  In this module we work on the new paradigms of trust, the role of getting them to like you, wowing and the cost of hooking.


Module 5: Nailing the most critical 3 seconds

Understand instant connection and not relying on previous gimmicks to attract and keep the buyer

In this module, we’ll start at the natural place – the beginning. From the moment you begin speaking, what are people learning about you? You’ll discover how to open strong with your voice, establishing who you are and what you want your audience to believe about you from the very first words you speak, so you can set the stage for a successful launch from the start. 


Module 6: Creating the Voice Experience of YOU

Create a rich and compelling experience for your audience 

You’ve got their attention. Now what should you do with it? In this module, we’ll go in-depth into how to deliver an experience to remember. Learn and practice how to create all the shades of feeling and play all the bits of you so they know exactly who you are and what working with you will be like. You’ll also learn how this helps your audience match up what they hear in your voice to what they are looking for, so they can feel confident about working with you


Hands on coaching hot seat opportunities in every group meeting AND video feedback of your launch/work/ask! 

Each week is followed by an implementation week, so you can dig in and put everything you learn into action. You’ll also get Tracy’s feedback so you can make adjustments and keep moving forward. *We will meet every week for 8 weeks.

Ready to leverage the most important tool for 2024, the tool only you have for consistently increasing sales and sell out launches? 


Limited spots available at the founder rate.  So if you’re ready to get the edge that’s been helping other entrepreneurs in their launches, I’d love to see you inside the Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator. 


Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator


  • 6 Live Training Sessions
  • 6 Program Implementation Weeks + Feedback

**First 5 pay Sign ups Pay in Full get a 45 minute solo session with me!

Total Value = $6150

Future Price = $2497

→ Pay in Full Price = $1497

[I’m ready to increase my Revenue Pay in Full!]


Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator PLUS


  • Everything from the Launch Intensive Program + add a 60 minute Solo Session with Tracy 

(Save 60% off the regular solo session price)

Limited Spots Available

Total Value = $7150

Future Price = $2997

→ Pay in Full Price = $1997


[I’m ready to increase my Revenue Pay in Full]


Class day/time is set based on participants availability

Next group begins in April!  Spots are limited.

The Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator is perfect for you if…


    • You’re planning to launch in the next few months, are making sales calls now or plan to make them
    • You’re doing consistent calls to action or asks
    • You’re not new to launching but you know you can have a better, more successful launch
    • You want to go deeper with transformational voice work
    • You want to amp up your launch game for better results
    • You want to improve your retention, connection and revenue
  • You want to have a real time space for role play and direct feedback based on sounds that are costing you revenue


You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. 
Can I do Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator if I’ve already launched in the past?

Yes, I’ll be laser focusing on a few specific issues that will benefit you for all your launches to come.  Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator is for you – even if you’ve launched once and multiple times already. 

That’s because our focus is on transformation and growth in a few key areas. And, as you probably know from our past work together, sometimes the smallest shift can have a huge impact!

That’s the power I want to help you leverage in your launches, sales calls and all your revenue generating efforts.. What shifts – small or big – can we make that will make a world of difference in your launch success? 


Can I join if I’ve never launched before? 

Yep, you sure can! In fact, you’ll be uniquely positioned to tackle your first launch, sales call, call to action on video with more tools and confidence than your average entrepreneur. The Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator could very well be one of your best sales/launch investments. 

How much time do I need to complete this program?

This program is laser-focused with a heavy emphasis on implementation. We’ll have 6 classes plus feedback to help you make immediate changes, so you can learn and fine tune as you go. 

Do I get 1:1 access to you? 

Yes, within the program we’ll do role play and! I’ll provide personal review and feedback of your work throughout our time together. If you’d like additional 1:1 time with me, you can choose the solo session add-on at 60% off my regular solo session rate.

This is a clear start to finish launch or ask process.  You will select specific material(s) that we will work on throughout our time together.

Ready to Increase Your Revenue?


Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator


  • 6 Live Training Sessions
  • 6 Program Implementation Weeks + Feedback

**First 5 to Sign up with Pay in Full get a 45 minute solo coaching session with me!

Total Value = $6150

Future Price = $2497

→ Pay in Full Price = $1497

[I’m ready to increase my Revenue Pay in Full]


Increase Your Revenue Sales Simulator


  • Everything from the Launch Intensive Program + add a 60 minute Solo Session with Tracy 

(Save 60% off the regular solo session price)

Limited Spots Available

Total Value = $7150

Future Price = $2497

→ Pay in Full Price = $1997

[I’m ready to increase my Revenue Pay in Full]



Group starts in April

Class day/time set based on participants availability