Alumni Group Coaching Program 2024

Alumni Next Level Voice Mastery 1X Monthly Coaching Calls

As an alumni of one of my transformational group programs or solo coaching, I’d love to invite you to my next level mastery monthly coaching calls.

These monthly small group alumni calls are designed to help you with next level strategies and techniques based on where you are at right now.  

If you are ready to take what you’ve learned and discover what’s missing now to take your business  to the next level in voice and communication delivery, this is for you.

We will work specifically on what will help you in the moment all done through hot seat coaching.  We’ll focus on topics like:

Needing to drive more influence

Boosting revenue 

Increasing following and retention

Internal messaging

Discovery call delivery and increasing sign ups

Webinar, video and podcast more compelling delivery and increased engagement

Improving communication and interactions with prospects and clients on calls

Continuing to build the Voice Experience and referrals


I’ll also introduce you to the new paradigms and tactics I’m adjusting for greater success based on recent research.

Spots are limited, cancel anytime.

Payment Options/Details

Pay by the month $250 per session

Pay for 3 months up front $650 


Add in Video Feedback


Do you want video feedback on pitches, videos, audios and more?

Add on video/audio feedback and get my coaching via Voxer

30 minutes of add on feedback $150

90 minutes of add on feedback $375 


***If you want to buy the coaching program and add video feedback, email me and I will create one link for you. 


Program dates/times.

April 22nd 1pm EDT

May 20th 1pm EDT

June 24th 1pm EDT